
Showing posts from April, 2019

The End

Well well just like that, my year and a half of full time missionary work in Vietnam is coming to an end. It's been a wild ride for sure but I wouldn't change it for a moment. The things that I have learned seen and experienced are things that will stay with me forever. This is the Lord's work, we are simply tools in his hands He loves his children The Book of Mormon is the word of God and will guide every aspect of our lives Personal revelation is real The secret to happiness is service and gratitude We are imperfect but that's okay because the atonement makes up for our mistakes The companionship of the Holy Ghost is so so important and such a kind gift from Heavenly Father. We should do all we can to keep it with us. ... Well I could go on forever and ever but I won't today. This last week was one to remember in the field. It was pretty normal missionary work but just before general conference this weekend we had an amazing experience. While we were t

Can you teach me more about happiness?

Hello from Ho Chi Minh So I don't really remember what happened this week! Kind of a blur! We got cancelled on alot alot this week. But it was also good cuz my companion got super sick this week. So she was able to recover and we were able to clean up our area book and do a ton of follow up calls and setting up appointments so that was good! A couple cool stories real quick though! We went contacting at the park last night and met a really cute little lady. We were talking about what we did here in Vietnam and said we teach about how to find true happiness and we also serve others by teaching english. And usually people are more interested in English but it's good cuz it makes it way more comfortable to talk about the gospel. But this lady was like "Ooo can you teach me more about happiness?" It took me a little by surprise but she learned about the Book of Mormon and we will meet her again tonight! So we have been working with someone named Dat for a long time

A Bible! A bible! we have a bible

At zone conference we all got Vietnamese bibles so that was super exciting! we have been running into a lot of people of Christian faiths and so to be able to use the bible now will be super great! Speaking of Zone conference it was so amazing. We focused on recognizing the Holy Ghost. There are 4 lessons you could say of how the spirit prompts us. One is revelation but not knowing beforehand, so being lead even though you don't know you are being lead. this comes as you are obedient and strive to follow Gods will (think of Nephi getting the brass plates). The Second is revelation through repetition. So when you read something or learn something a million times and then one day something clicks and your understanding deepens. The next is revelation as a conclusion so like a prompting to do something even though you don't know why. And then revelation as time, so knowing what you need to do already but understanding the right time (Like extending an invitation at the right tim