
Showing posts from May, 2018

"The tender mercies of the Lord" and the tender rice of Chi An

Xin chao buoi sang! How is everybody today! It's crazy I have hit my halfway mark out here on the mission!!! ummm,,, where did the time go? It's crazy but I'm so excited for the adventures the next 9 months will bring with a solid foundation and 9 months of experience under my belt! hopefully by the end of my mission I will be able to a an actual conversation with someone in Vietnamese haha! Anyway this week was busy! We got a baptismal date for Chi Phuong Anh and I am so excited for her! She is seriously so golden! When we ask her questions she basically just teaches us everything we were going to teach her. We found out she lives in district 10 though which is the Than Son Nhat area so we will be passing her off but I'm still super happy for her! We also continue to work with our less actives and it's been awesome! We are become really close with a lot of them and 2 of them came to church. Most of them are older ladies who have been long time members. They ar

Water water everywhere...Thank goodness for the "Living Water"

Xin Chao! Hey hope you all had a great Mother's days last week! The last couple of weeks we have had some interesting water stories. Last week started off with one of our water bills not getting paid so we didn't have water for like 3 days haha! that was not fun let me tell you. It makes me laugh though cuz you know that it's rainy season-- there is so so much water every where all the time and we are always soaked in sweat and rain but we didn't even have enough running water to wash our hands. Don't worry though. We used our drinking water to stay clean haha! But I'll tell you, a real shower has never felt so good in my life! Also in Vietnam they have these little sprayers in the bathroom (we use them to clean the floors but I think they have a different purpose.) but anyway the thing broke and so water was spraying everywhere and we couldn't turn it off! We totally flooded our bathroom and we were so soaked haha! Speaking of flooding the rain floo

When it rains, it pours!!

Xin Chao Moi Nguoi Hello! How is everybody! Happy Cinco de Mayo a couple days ago! Hope it was great and that you all ate lots of tacos! This week was pretty normal. We had Mission Leadership Conference on Tuesday and discussed a lot about obedience, becoming a high performing mission and really focusing in on those with baptismal dates and helping them as much as we can. We also discussed about a church here that is sending missionaries out like us and they are causing a lot of problems and scaring a lot of people. A lot of people think that we are the same church and so are scared of us right now. But we discussed how to turn that into a great contacting opportunity and it has work so great! The other day on the bus there was a guy getting a kick out of the fact that we speak Vietnamese and I told him we work for a church but not the one everyone was scared of and he just cracks up. He was just totally floored we knew Vietnamese and knew about that church! So hopefully we will me