
Showing posts from January, 2018

Miracles, movies and soccer!

Chao Bui Sang from Vietnam! Hope everyone is doing well! We have a busy day so I'll make it short! Miracle story: So this Monday we were getting ready to go to Pho Co with a member and see the old parts of Vietnam and we get a text from a guy we contacted the other week. This contacting story was nuts cuz basically we were trying to talk to people but apparently everyone was Korean that day and no one spoke English or Vietnamese. So I said a quick prayer in my head to find someone who had been prepared by the Lord and 2 secs later out walks with guy with a sign that says Alma on it. So I'm like lets go talk to him about the Book of Mormon and Alma. so we do and we get him to download the BoM on his phone cuz we cant give them out in public. He is super interested. So anyway he texts us and wants to meet us in like half an hour. SO we quickly plan a short lesson of prayer. We go into meet with him end up teaching the whole restoration and the at the end ask it he wants to be

"We Thank Thee O God for a Prophet"

Xin Chao Gia Dinh va cac Ban cua chi Hey what is up everybody! Hope everything is going well This week has been a little slow now that Tet season is starting but we are still doing some solid work! Crazy story for the week: So last Wednesday seriously felt like we were in like some FBI show or something! We started off the day meeting one of our contacts at the mission office and he wants to keep learning the gospel! His name is Anh Manh and he has got a fantastic smile. So that rocked! and then here is the crazy part. We got a referral for this lady last week. She is dating a Cambodian who is a member and can't speak Vietnamese and lives in the US. And she can't speak Cambodian so they communicate with google translate and broken English. Anyway she wanted a Book of Mormon but she lives way far out of anybody's area. But one of the senior couples' sons was leaving for a cruise on Wednesday from the same place that she lived. So we gave him the Book in a big yello

Declare my word and I will prepare a place for them." -D&C 31; Week 15

Xin Chao Cac Anh Chi Em... Talofa! This week our sacrament meeting turned into a Samoan branch when one of our elders (who is not even Samoan) went up to give a talk and taught everyone how to do that. It was pretty humorous. Anyway what a week! I don't think I will ever have a boring day out in the mission field. Anyway this week we spent a lot of time with members and trying to get referrals. We went to Phuong An's house and she is vegetarian and so funny and makes really good food! but we got to meet her husband and it was a huge step for us! She told us that she met him by stalking him on facebook and then wouldn't marry him until he stopped being so fat because "Vietnamese people don't like fat people. We all like to look sexy." hahah I died it was so funny! Also we had Zone training and had a couple Area Seventy come in and talk to us about not being unwearying and they talked a lot about optimism and Pres Hinckley, so I have been studying his tal

For God Loveth a Cheerful Giver

​​Xin Chao Gia Dinh va Ban cua Chi First off I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy New year! I can't even believe it's already 2018! Anyway these past 3 weeks have been packed!!! We didn't really get to email on Christmas or New Years cuz we were super busy so don't worry I am still very much alive and well! Anyway I'm just gunna give a list of all the good things that have happened: Christmas: Always a pleasure talking to the fam. We also went over to the senior couple in our areas house and played games, rode hoover boards, and ate a delicious Christmas dinner New Years: We went on a zone outing to Ninh Bin. We went out on the river and through the mountains and caves there and visited some sweet Buddhist pagodas! pictures below Baptisms: We had two baptisms!!!!! Em Thaos was last saturday and Chi Ngas was this Saturday!! Talk about starting and ending the year off great! They are so happy and such good examples! Mission calls: Em