
Showing posts from January, 2019

Family History, I am doing it :)

So the last couple mornings have been a little interesting and let's just say we are experts at killing cockroaches now. Also the adrenaline from having a cockroach run across your toes in the morning wakes you up and gets you ready for some solid working out! Anyway we are counting down to Tet which also means things are slowing down soooo much! everyone in the city goes away to their hometown so no one can meet! but we have been getting creative-- Family History: We shared a spiritual thought about family history after english and we have never had so many people stay afterwards! We had a lady ask about how to do it and why. So we explained about temples and invited her to prepare to go to the temple and she was so interested and we told her the steps she had to take which included the first principles and ordinances of the gospel and she was so excited. I really believe that the spirit of Elijah will turn the hearts of the children to their fathers and the hearts of the fath

Get ready for Xuan (Spring)

It must be Tet time we got cancelled on soooo much! Here's a funny one though. So we have an investigator and her english name is apple. She is so funny and her english is soo good! But anyway she was supposed to meet for an appointment and she was a little late so we give her a call and in a very harsh very dramatic whisper she says "Connell. Can you hear me? I don't think I can make it. I cant see the sky." I was very concerned but also it was so hard not to laugh. Then she says "Don't worry though I will pray to the Lord." I was super happy to hear that. We have only met once and we briefly shared about Heavenly Father and we haven't even taught her how to pray. She is also buddhist so to hear something like that was so fun! We were able to give a lot of our investigators baptismal dates and it was so fun when they are so accepting and willing! Sometimes they just hold on to every single word and they just feel it and want it! It makes mission

"You can't eat rice with chopsticks!"

So this week we go to eat rice (not a surprise since we eat it for breakfast lunch and dinner) but I am with my native companion and I go to grab some chopsticks and she is like "What are you doing? You cant eat rice with chopsticks." What!? my whole world got flipped upside down a little. Anyway, its been a good week! We met someone from Canada this week and get this. She just barely met the missionaries in Canada a couple weeks ago and she went to church a couple times and then we just happen to run into her in the middle of Vietnam at a pizza hut. But she is so interested and so funny. Not your typical Vietnamese investigator ill tell you that. She is not even Vietnamese but she came to church and it was fun cuz I got to translate for her and it was so fun cuz after she had all these questions like "What is the difference between your church and the others? How is the Book of Mormon different from the Bible? Who is Joseph Smith? How do we find happiness in this worl

Happy New Year

Let me tell you Christmas out on the mission is the BEST! so fun cuz everyone is just way happy and wants to learn about the true meaning of Christmas! We got to go over and teach Chi Huong's family and it was so awesome! I love getting to tell all these cute families that they get to live together forever as we teach the plan of salvation! It brings so much hope and joy! In fact the daughter was so excited she started sing "True colors" for us right in the middle of the lesson. I didn't really know how to respond but it was awesome. Also this week Chí Hướng (english name:Tomato) is progressing sooo fast! We meet with her like everyday and she has so many questions. They other day she asked if we could explain the pictures in the front of the Book of Mormon and we got to the waters of mormon one and she asked us what we need to do to be baptized. The spirit was just so strong as we explained to her what baptism was and invited her to be baptized in her little one roo