
Showing posts from November, 2018

To preach my gospel by the Spirit even the Comforter which was sent forth to teach the truth.

Hello! first off shout out to my padre and little nephew cuz they are one year older and wiser too. This week I have never taken so many taxis in my entire life. We had district conference zone conference and mlc back to back and it was a little crazy. Zone conference was amazing! We had Elder Meurs of the area presidency come and teach us how to teach better! it was so so awesome! Basically it's just following what Preach My Gospel says and teaching simply, sharing a scripture, asking inspired questions, promising blessings and committing them to act. And it takes all of the pressure off because then you let the spirit teach them and you end up saying very little. He compared it to Nephi's experience when he asked to see the vision that his father Lehi saw. When the spirit is teaching Nephi, all he says is "Look" and "what do you see" its awesome! Then we had MLC after that up in Hanoi and discussed a lot of the same things and how each missionary can b

Happy Thanksgiving this week!

What is up everybody? This week we had some of the funniest and some of the most spiritual and some of the saddest lessons I have had on my mission. Let's just say missions are a crazy ride So funny lessons: So we have an investigator named CoMaii and she is super duper solid. We have been teaching commandments and they have been really hard for her but this week she comes into the room and is all "I have something to tell you!" And we are like awesome let's start with a prayer. and she is like no the prayer can wait. Then she pulls out all of the commandment pamphlets and lays them on the table and says "I know its hard but I know i will be blessed for living them. I am going to follow all of them because that's what Jesus would want. It was awesome! then we got started with the lesson and we are like k so there is one more commandment and she let out the saddest groan I have ever heard in my life. Anyway we introduced the law of chastity and she was lik

Quick re-cap

K so real quick this week was a blur and I wish I remembered it better (or wrote better in my journal...oops) but here's the low down: So Mission Leadership Conference was this week and it was awesome but also stressful. There are good things happening but I have a lot room for growth! Also Sister Chilies took us to an American/ European store to get some things for breakfast and guess what we found!? Kirkland Maple Syrup! let me just tell you maple syrup doesn't exist in Vietnam and neither does Costco. So I wasn't that surprised that it was over $25. Anyway the work is really going right now and it's awesome! We are trying to get ready some people for baptism and we are running into a lot of walls. But it's fun to see the spirit guiding our lessons. We had a really cool lesson on the word of wisdom with Co Mai and she was like this is great and all but I am not giving up tea. But as we talked and listened to the spirit and related everything back to Christ'

Thailand, transfers, and training

Hey, sorry for no email last week I was in Thailand! Also we had transfers last week and I am training! My little trainee is Chi Mai Anh and she is from California. And let me tell you she is the funniest person I have ever met! Also I love missionaries straight out of the MTC just cuz there is so much fire and spirit and they learn how to do it right in the MTC! This week was a little slower just because a lot of our investigators canceled on us. But we had some really really good lessons with Trinh and Duc and Tri. In our lesson Trinh just looked at us and said "how do you apply the scriptures? I know these can help me but can you give me an example?" It was so cute! It was funny though as we were sharing an experience the dad gets up to get something from the kitchen and there must have been quite a surprise for him cuz next thing you know he is yelling the most colorful words I have heard my whole mission. It's funny sometimes the only words people know in Engli