they had waxed strong in the knowledge of the truth

Well I guess its time to welcome the year of the pig and welcome everybody back from their hometowns! Tet was good but I am glad everyone is back in the city.

So real quick here is an update on our people:

Chu Nghi is getting baptized this next week! I have never seen someone with so much faith in my life. We met him at the end of January and he has read the book of mormon 2 times, listened to all the hymns, quit smoking, and basically taught himself all the lessons! It definitely motivates me to become a little better as far as studies and faith and stuff go! He also stays at church all Sunday and attends 2 sacrament meetings. I am just so amazing at the faith that these people have and there are people like that out there who just don't know where the truth is! I am so excited for him!

Also we met with the sweetest lonely guy named Chu Tuan! We sang I am a child of God to invite the spirit and he was getting all teary eyed and you could just feel the spirit. At the end he said the simplest and sweetest prayer i have ever heard.

Speaking of singing, yesterday we got cancelled on a bit and were feeling down but the backup plan was to go sing to a member to help them feel the spirit and share the gospel. I don't really like singing but we went over and sang families can be together for ever and it was just so sweet and helped us have the spirit and we went contacting after and just saw a lot of good miracles and successes. I love the spirit that comes with singing

Also speaking of the spirit we have been testifying of the Restoration with every contact and it is so powerful. That truly is our unique message to the world. I know that our loving Heavenly Father restored His gospel through the prophet Joseph Smith and I am so grateful to share that with others!

Also here is a funny story! so we go over to this girl's house. And we were not really sure what to expect with this one so we prepared ourselves for anything. But here house was very big and she was just like "I'm going to take you on a tour of my house. So we went up the elevator and she showed us around and we were like how are we going to fit this in with the gospel. We were not really sure what to do at this point. But at the end we went and sat in a little room and she started sharing about her life some of the trials she has met and we were able to talk together about the plan of salvation and how we have a loving Heavenly Father who is always there to listen to us. When we first met her a couple weeks ago she was very very closed to religion but it was so cool to see her heart open as she realized the truths we share are only there to help us in our journey of life! So awesome!

We also had Zone Conference and oh my goodness it was so amazing! we learned about how our greatest help in missionary work is God. With His power we can work miracles. As we study, pray, fast, obey and act in order to have revelatory experiences we will invite the spirit and have God's help with us. I love this come follow me program and how it can help us do just that! its so awesome!

Hope you all have a great week!
Love Chi Xuan


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