When it rains, it pours!!

Xin Chao Moi Nguoi

Hello! How is everybody! Happy Cinco de Mayo a couple days ago! Hope it was great and that you all ate lots of tacos!

This week was pretty normal. We had Mission Leadership Conference on Tuesday and discussed a lot about obedience, becoming a high performing mission and really focusing in on those with baptismal dates and helping them as much as we can. We also discussed about a church here that is sending missionaries out like us and they are causing a lot of problems and scaring a lot of people. A lot of people think that we are the same church and so are scared of us right now. But we discussed how to turn that into a great contacting opportunity and it has work so great! The other day on the bus there was a guy getting a kick out of the fact that we speak Vietnamese and I told him we work for a church but not the one everyone was scared of and he just cracks up. He was just totally floored we knew Vietnamese and knew about that church! So hopefully we will meet him again!

That was another testimony to me that this really is the Lord's work and He is always 5 steps ahead of Satan's game. When the the work faces opposition there are rules and things already in place that counteract those opposing forces and the Lord puts in place ways we can use it to our advantage. It's the same thing in life. When we face opposition, if we can turn to the Lord and trust in the Atonement of Christ, He will truly turn it into something we can use to our advantage to grow and become better and build up the kingdom of God!

Then we had a couple lessons with Chi Be- some went well some did not. Let's just say we are not really good at teaching the Law of Chastity in a non awkward way yet haha! She is getting ready for baptism and is so excited! We had a lot of appointments planned for this week again and they all fell through. A lot of people cancelled on us cuz it was raining. The people here hate rain so much! So it's hard to meet with or contact people in the afternoons now cuz rainy season has started!!! and let me tell you when it rains it pours! and its not even bad rainy season yet haha!

We also went to a less active house this week and they made us barbecued squid. Which was actually super good. The only thing is they brought the fire pit inside cuz it was raining and the house was sooo smoky! My comp was dying-- her eyes were watering the whole time!

Then we met with Chi Nguyet again and she came in and we asked if she got a chance to read the introduction of the Book of Mormon and she read all the way to chapter 6!!! So we were pumped about that! and then she came to district conference too! We are super excited about her!

Yes, we also had district conference! So all the members and missionaries in Ho Chi Minh came to the Thu Duc church! There were so many people! It was awesome!!

Also English class was funny this week! We were about to start and the power went totally out! which is alright cuz everyone pulled out their phones and turned on the flash! The problem was no power=no air conditioning!! Holy cow it got so so hot! There was a kid sitting in the corner and his face was just dripping! It was an adventure!

Anyway that's all for this week! Love you all! Have a good week!

Love Sister Jenna Connell

At district conference

we found a frog- a lot of frogs actually

my asian cinco de mayo taco

Barbecue with Em Phuong

so much rain

our favorite English student Chu Phu


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