"The tender mercies of the Lord" and the tender rice of Chi An

Xin chao buoi sang!
How is everybody today! It's crazy I have hit my halfway mark out here on the mission!!! ummm,,, where did the time go? It's crazy but I'm so excited for the adventures the next 9 months will bring with a solid foundation and 9 months of experience under my belt! hopefully by the end of my mission I will be able to a an actual conversation with someone in Vietnamese haha!

Anyway this week was busy! We got a baptismal date for Chi Phuong Anh and I am so excited for her! She is seriously so golden! When we ask her questions she basically just teaches us everything we were going to teach her. We found out she lives in district 10 though which is the Than Son Nhat area so we will be passing her off but I'm still super happy for her!

We also continue to work with our less actives and it's been awesome! We are become really close with a lot of them and 2 of them came to church. Most of them are older ladies who have been long time members. They are all so sweet and whenever they share they show they have testimonies and remember so much! God has a plan for each of us. No ones path is the same and often times we see those paths have to lead away from the straight and narrow before they can come back. Until then we continue to love, pray and hope that they come to feel God's love in their lives. We finally were able to meet with Co Duong after visiting her house regularly and not being let in! She was awesome!

This week we had an open house for the church in our branch! We have been working really hard with all of the people we are taking care of to talk to and invite friends and family members to the open house. We have done so many role plays and lessons on missionary work. We invited everybody we knew. The day of however everyone told us they couldn't come. Even some of the members in charge of the activities. But we did have two investigators there and the elders' investigators brought his family so that was awesome! Sometimes things don't work out the way we imagined or hoped but we've got to look for the little victories and tender mercies because the Lord will always provide those!

"But behold, I, Nephi, will show unto you that the tender mercies of the Lord are over all those whom he hath chosen, because of their faith, to make them mighty even unto the power of deliverance."
1 Nephi 1:20

Also my comp is so cute. Everyday without fail she says to me "You like rice?" and I say "yeah" and she says "Me too. I very like rice." Everyday with out fail, she also keeps track of the days that she doesn't eat rice. She loves it.

Anyway love you all so much! Hope things are going well! keep on smiling, keep on praying and keep on keeping on!

Love Sister Connell

us with chi phuong anh

just some elders looking at some chickens

my comp making rice


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