I'll go where you want me to go...

Holy cow what a week! So guess what my training is over! thats crazy! its gone so fast!

Anyway that means transfers where this week and they have been the craziest transfers! We got 6 new sisters which basically doubled our sister missionary force. Also means most people are training. It was fun this week though because the day the new ones arrived I got to take some of the new sisters around contacting all by myself! I was able to talk to the taxi driver and have a very nice conversation with him and not get lost. Also the newbies are killer contacters. We even got invited into someones house to teach them (that never happens here eve.) So that was way cool but I had no idea what to do because I had never really been in that situation. So I was all like "What do we do now?" and the new missionaries were all like "you should probably introduce the gospel then teach God is our loving Heavenly Father" haha let's just say I'm glad the Holy Ghost is the teacher and not me.

Anyway transfers ahhhhhh!!! I was going to be transferred to Long Bien to be in a tri-panionship to train a new sister but I got emergency transfer call last Monday and turns out I would be opening Ha Dong! which is exciting because we will be the first sisters in that area! My new comp is a native from the highlands named Chi Thao Ly! She also basically just got out of training so we have alot alot of work ahead of us! Basically its been the most stressful week of my life though haha! I know about as much Vietnamese as she knows of English so its hard to communicate perfectly but it also means I will learn the language faster!

Anyway this week I have learned to put my trust in the Lord -- alot. I have no idea where I am going, what I am doing, how to teach or how to communicate with people. All I can do is live worthy of the Holy Ghost and take one step at a time. I am learning that this really is the Lord's work and that I am a tool in His hands. I basically have to give everything over to Him cuz there is so much I can't control or do. But this is His work and He knows what He is doing and will guide and direct me if I am willing and worthy. That's where Grace comes in. 1 Conrinthians 15:10 says  "But by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain; but I laboured more abundantly than they all: yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me."   When I feel like I can't do this work I am right. It's not my work it's Gods. He does more of it than we could ever know. All I have to do is be willing to follow him, trust Him, and keep on keeping on. So yeah basically life is hard but I am learning lots!

Anyway love you all tons! have a wonderful week!
Love sister Jenna Connell

My old district


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