To preach my gospel by the Spirit even the Comforter which was sent forth to teach the truth.

Hello! first off shout out to my padre and little nephew cuz they are one year older and wiser too.

This week I have never taken so many taxis in my entire life. We had district conference zone conference and mlc back to back and it was a little crazy.

Zone conference was amazing! We had Elder Meurs of the area presidency come and teach us how to teach better! it was so so awesome! Basically it's just following what Preach My Gospel says and teaching simply, sharing a scripture, asking inspired questions, promising blessings and committing them to act. And it takes all of the pressure off because then you let the spirit teach them and you end up saying very little. He compared it to Nephi's experience when he asked to see the vision that his father Lehi saw. When the spirit is teaching Nephi, all he says is "Look" and "what do you see" its awesome! Then we had MLC after that up in Hanoi and discussed a lot of the same things and how each missionary can baptize each month.

Also since zone conference was on Thanksgiving you better believe we had some turkey and some pumpkin pie. Which is a miracle because those are things you don't just find in Vietnam. And the fact that it tasted good was even better!

Also a miracle happened! So we used the new way of teaching with Co Duc who keeps meeting but has been kind of stuck for a little while. We gave her 2 Nephi 31 as a commitment and she was like "So I read your chapter and it was great but it was all about baptism and I have told you a hundred times I can't be baptized." But then we taught her a very simple lesson that she was  a daughter of God and then asked her to pray and ask God if she was really a child of God. After she closed the prayer we just waited and ask how she felt. She shared with us that she feels she needs to follow God's path for her! and ever since there has been such an awesome change in her! she is excited to come to church and meet and wow! Awesome! It reminds me of the conversion process that takes place with Lamoni and his father when Ammon and Aaron teach them in Alma. The actual conversion come when they get on their knees and pray to know if God is there!

Also we taught one of our taxi drivers the restoration while he was driving us around and he is actually way interested and wants to learn the gospel. We were a little skeptical at first cuz he wasn't answering his phone and didn't show up for a while but he loves learning about Jesus so that's awesome!

Also we have been in a typhoon for the past couple days and yesterday was crazy! And no one met with us cuz they didn't want to be outside in the crazy weather. But we had to go visit an investigator so we went out and it was not too crazy it was just rainy and windy. Not the smartest decision on our part but it wasn't bad until we were almost to the investigators house so only the way back was bad haha! It was an adventure for sure. Also then flooding was up past our knees so we were pretty soaked haha!

Alright thats all! hope everybody ate lots of Pie and turkey this last week!
Have a great day!
Love sister Connell

me and my comp being matchy matchy, pics of thanksgiving dinner, the flooding this morning


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