Happy Thanksgiving this week!

What is up everybody?

This week we had some of the funniest and some of the most spiritual and some of the saddest lessons I have had on my mission. Let's just say missions are a crazy ride

So funny lessons: So we have an investigator named CoMaii and she is super duper solid. We have been teaching commandments and they have been really hard for her but this week she comes into the room and is all "I have something to tell you!" And we are like awesome let's start with a prayer. and she is like no the prayer can wait. Then she pulls out all of the commandment pamphlets and lays them on the table and says "I know its hard but I know i will be blessed for living them. I am going to follow all of them because that's what Jesus would want. It was awesome! then we got started with the lesson and we are like k so there is one more commandment and she let out the saddest groan I have ever heard in my life. Anyway we introduced the law of chastity and she was like why do I even need this I'm old, single and there's going to be no worries. Us, however, she was worried for cuz we are young and beautiful. So when we committed her to keep it she was like "of course I'll keep it but will you keep it?" then she basically retaught it and made us commit to her we were gunna keep it. Then she told us that she was thinking about us and decided I am a polar bear cuz I am white and my comp is a big cat cuz she is Asian. awesome

Spiritual lessons: Also we taught a lesson to Anh Tri and we teach him in English cuz a lot of reasons but we taught him the plan of salvation and it was just the sweetest lesson. He has a lot of needs and it was just so cool to see how the gospel can help each and every person. It was a really spiritual lesson and so fun to see the holy ghost guiding it.

Sad lessons: So we had one of our favorite investigators decide they were done learning and needs a break. As soon as she said it though one of our sweet member helps burst into tears. But she still really really wanted us to keep teaching what we had planned to so we taught the 10 commandments. It was the weirdest last lesson ever but actually really good because the 10 commandments were the reason she started coming to church anyway. So it was sad but she is so awesome and I know God has a plan for her.

Okay since it's Thanksgiving I just want to say how I am so grateful for my family and ward and friends who are supporting me out here! I'm so grateful to be a part of this amazing work of the Lord! I'm grateful for the Savior's Atonement so we can overcome our trials and weaknesses and learn how to change. I'm grateful for the gospel and the chance to help others know about it. I'm grateful for the good and the bad times. I'm grateful for the Vietnamese people and my cute companion! Also so grateful for when the stores have taco seasoning and that I haven't gotten malaria.

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving full of lots of gratitude! Love you all
Love Sister Connell


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