After the trial of your faith....

Xin chao buoi sang Gia Dinh va ban

Let's just say life is never boring in the mission field. This week was hard in a lot of ways and definitely tried my faith a little but it ended awesome. The week started out and all we did besides studying and meetings is contacting and trying to find ways to serve people and get referrals with members. We contacted like a million people and really did not have much success. We got a lot of people's numbers and a lot of them interested in English class but not very many wanted to hear about Jesus.

So anyway I was getting pretty discouraged cuz we have no one to teach. We only have one investigator Em Chi, whose parents wont give her permission to learn the gospel bc she is only 15. But she is so awesome. She knows the Book of Mormon like the back of her hand and always is reciting scriptures and asking questions.

But anyway Sunday rolls around and we don't have any lessons so basically we fill in our day with 5 hours of contacting. I can honestly say I wasn't the most excited about this but I was still determined and we were fasting so i had faith God would help us. So we head out in the hot humid street with a picture of Christ in our hands. So we are walking along and trying to talk to people and I see some lady sitting outside and say hi to her and keep walking. But then I'm all maybe we should talk to her. So we turn around and I just start in saying "Hi we work for the Church and want to tell you about Christ and how he can help you..." It was kinda forward but she seemed interested. Anyway she gets a call right then and says to us "I'll be back I need to talk to you." Then she heads of to go somewhere. Anyway a few minutes later she comes back and we get talking and she has a Christian friend and really likes Christianity and then we tell her about the Book of Mormon and she asks if we are trying to sell it haha. But she is really interested in the helping families have happiness. We ask her when we can teach her more and try to set up an appointment for the week. And she says she is free right now! So we walk like a mile to her house and then teach her and her family the restoration and she loved it! I'm glad the spirit is the teacher though because the lesson was a mess haha. It was all over the place. But at the end we asked if she wanted to be baptized and she said YES!!! what!? it was nuts! And we are meeting her again and she wants to come to all the church activities and I was just like wow, God is good. Sometimes we just have to have trust and patience. He will always help us and lift us up but a lot of the times he lets us wait. He tries our patience and our faith and right at the moment of giving up He always provides.

Ether 12:6 And now, I, Moroni, would speak somewhat concerning these things; I would show unto the world that faith is things which are hoped for and not seen; wherefore, dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness

until after the trial of your faith.

So basically a miracle and it was awesome!

Anyway love all of you tons! hope its been a good week!
Love sister Jenna Connell!

Me my comp, Elder and sister Lee, and the branch presidents family

Making Pho cuon at the branch presidents house

Happy 2 year birthday to the mission!

When you want a mac but you have something else (Look really close at the apple sticker haha)


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