the Holy Ghost will show unto you all things what ye should do

Wow so I have not sent one of these out for a while! so get ready for some good stories!

On Saturday I learned that sometimes the Lord has a lot better things planned than we do.  So it the afternoon we had a couple of appointments at the church starting at 3 and when we got there, 2 of our later appointments where already there but not the one for 3 o'clock. So we were like okay everyone wait a minute. So the lady shows up late but its okay cuz she was sooo awesome! She was listening so intent and her questions and answers were basically right out of PMG. when we asked her if she would like to learn how to pray she was so excited and said a really beautiful prayer. It was the quickest, smoothest lesson I have ever been in. Then the next appointment for 3:30 left already but the lady who was supposed to show up 2 hours later came early. So we met with her and she was so funny! She learned about the word of wisdom from english class the week before and told us "I know milk tea is not healthy for you but I think I'll just go get a little bit while I wait." So then after english class when the other lady was supposed to meet someone else came instead and was so awesome and wants to do missionary work like us. I love how much faith so many of these people have who just learned about God for the first time a week ago. Its amazing to see

Last night we had a cool lesson with a family. The mom was not interested. But I felt a lot of peace there and that we were supposed to be there. So we stayed a little longer and asked some more questions then asked for referrals. Then she is like ask her and she pointed at her mom who just came in. And so we shared really short the family proclamation with her and she was so excited and wants us to come over again as soon as we can. I am so grateful for the spirit and that i am able to live in such a way that I can listen to and obey it.

We have been focusing alot alot on having the spirit with us and doing the things that invite the spirit and avoiding the things that draw us away. We started a 40 day fast which really is just a 24 hour fast to start and then we "fast" from things that take our thoughts away from the work. It's been so cool to see the influence of the spirit more. Like there was one lesson we were finishing up the plan of salvation and i just felt like the person needed to know that the kingdoms of glory did not include hell. After i said it i kinda felt dumb for saying it but after she said that helped her feel so much peace and know this is the plan of a loving God. That was something that she had been scary and confusing her all her life. God really loves these people and know exactly what they need.
I am so grateful to be serving here in Vietnam and seeing how much gospel blesses people. I know the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is God's church on the earth today. The gospel is simple, hopeful and true.

Have a wonderful week!
Love Chi Xuan

Went on a hike for zone p-day. So fun
Look who came to visit!


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