"And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers" 3 nephi 25


It was kinda an action packed week this weeks so here it goes.

Monday one of our former investigators we have been visiting and helping a lot lately wants to learn the gospel again! Her name is Chi Ngoc and she is awesome! She stopped learning because she felt bad she couldn't come to church on Sundays and was pushed a little too hard in the past. That is one example that helps me remember our purpose is to "invite others to come unto Christ". Yes sometimes we must be bold, but remember not overbearing. We invite because we love them and desire them to have the joy that we have through the gospel! And boy do we love her!

Tuesday we had Zone conference with President Hassell for the last time. Our new mission president comes in 2 weeks so we are getting ready to make sure he has a warm welcome as we continue to improve and grow as a mission! Until then the work just keeps on keeping on! We were able to talk about some really awesome stuff and learn how we can use family history better to contact, teach and serve! I have never used family history so much on my mission and its so cool to see the spirit of Elijah touch the hearts of the people! Expecially here in Vietnam!

Funny story during zone conf. So The Hassells brought us some Chum Chums (Ramputans) from one of the provinces in Vietnam so they were pretty fresh. Anyway the put them on our tables to we can eat and listen a little bit. Turns out there was like a giant ant nest living in the bundles. The nest was not giant the ants were! no joke the size of the tip part of my pinkie! they were everywhere! A couple people got bit and they hurt bad! It was cool to see the ants fighting together though! haha that was an adventure!

Also we had some exchanges this week and I got to teach Chi Phuong (the lady we passed off last time week to the TSN sisters) It was awesome! We taught the word of wisdom and she was like "What? no tea of coffee?" I have not yet gotten to that lesson with someone who had a problem with it. It was honestly an awesome lesson though. We felt the spirit of our calling as we testified and promised blessings as she strived to keep this commandments! She was a little worried but said if that is what it required than she would do it. We also taught tithing and fasting which we were worried about after we taught WoW, cuz those are some big commandments as well. But she thought the idea of tithing and fasting was a great idea and was all over it haha! so that was an awesome lesson!

Yesterday we had a very cool experience with one of our less actives! We have been visiting her every Sunday and she used to not let us come in but no she does. However when we invite her to close with a prayer she doesn't pray. But we brought Anh Poff, one of the branch councilors, who is from America and doesn't speak Vietnamese. He bore such a powerful testimony about prayer though and we all felt the spirit even though we had to pause awkwardly for translation. But at the end of our visit we asked her to pray and she did! It is so cool to see the influence the spirit has on these people's lives!

Okay one more cool story! We visited the sister of a member who really wants to learn the gospel but she is to scared to ask her father for permission. So we can't teach her yet but we can read the book of mormon and visit her. But we were talking to her and turns out she photo copied the whole the book of mormon and shared it with a couple of friends and one of her friend's families has read the entire thing together! Haha so that is awesome to here and see that sometimes the Lord works in mysterious ways haha!

Okay thats all! Love you all and hope you have a good week!
Sister Connell

Em Yen with a cute puppy

Happy birthday to my cute companion who refused to tell anyone it was her bday


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