Go up to the temple to hear the words which king Benjamin should speak unto them

K so I'm outta creative ways to start my emails

But this week we were in Hanoi for half the week cuz of MLC and a special sisters conference to get the sisters excited and ready to go with the work! It was super cool though cuz I got to go on exchanges with the sisters in Ha Dong (one of my old areas) and we went and visited Chi Phuong (a former investigator who was actually my first every investigator that we contacted and started teaching!). She was so excited to see us and seriously it was so good to see her and actually understand her this time haha! She has been going through alot alot of hard trials but is ready to start learning again and I am so so happy I had that opportunity to go and visit her!

MLC was awesome and it got me so excited to go out and do the work! The women's conference was so fun to get together with sisters with good food and the spirit and help them get ready to go out and work hard!
This week we met a million people cuz we were out of our area for so long so had to meet them all in just a couple days! So it was awesome and exhausting!

One really cool thing that happened was with Co Ngoc and Em Giau. From the like 2nd lesson they brought up word of wisdom cuz they heard about it at church and we kept putting it off a little cuz Em Giau is a teenage girl in Asia so we were a little worried about telling her she couldn't drink milk tea before she even believed in the gospel. And so we just assumed that would be a hard lesson to teach and they would have some concerns. But the other day we started commandments with them and they were like "commandments are so awesome. Especially the one where you can't drink tea or coffee, or smoke or drink beer cuz those things are so bad for you and we hate the smell of smoke." Awesome! We were so happy! We totally thought it would be hard but the people who are ready for the gospel are ready and willing to keep His commandments!

Also we found the cutest lady who is so excited about the church and we were able to do a church tour and then she came to church as well! Her name is Chi My and she loves serving people and helping those in need! It's awesome!

Also I hope you all had the opportunity to watch general conference this weekend! I haven't seen it yet but I am seriously so excited! I heard that 12 new temples were announced and I know that the temple is the house of the Lord. Through it we can receive the ordinances necessary to live with our Heavenly Father and our Families forever! I can't wait until one day there is a temple in Vietnam for the wonderful and faithful saints who live here! I invite all of you who live near a temple to take some time to attend this week and appreciate the blessing that it is!

Mosiah 2:1-
And it came to pass that after Mosiah had done as his father had commanded him, and had made a proclamation throughout all the land, that the people gathered themselves together throughout all the land, that they might go up to the temple to hear the words which king Benjamin should speak unto them.

Love you all! Have a great week!
Sister Connell

us playing some serious badminton with our investigator Co Duc
cutest little kid at our investiagator Co Xuan's house! (she finally agreed to come to church this week! YAY!!!)
the view from the mission home. It looks like a real suburb which I didn't think existed here. Also our mission president is from Canada so you better believe we played some legit street hockey for morning exercise
elders trying to play badminton


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